Posted on November 9, 2011
Did you get a Facebook friend request from Grandma? You're not the only one. A new study shows that Facebook is by far the most popular social network in every age group. Read the full story here.
Posted on October 26, 2011
Is your social media campaign successful? 4 Walls CEO Ellen Thompson studies one of the world's biggest brands and makes some surprising conclusions. Read the full story here.
Posted on October 18, 2011
As people spend more and more time using Twitter and Facebook, social media display ads have become more sophisticated and targeted.Learn about new social media advertising tactics on the 4 Walls Blog.
Posted on October 12, 2011
Facebook offers two ways to view posts on your pages: Top Posts and Most Recent. Both views are useful, but you’ll want to make sure that you have the right one selected depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. Visit the 4 Walls Blog to find out more about using these two views.
Posted on September 20, 2011
Email and social media marketing is a cheap and easy way to spread the word about special events in your community. But be careful. There's more electronic marketing than ever, and without some thought your ads will get lost in the crowd. Keep these three simple tips in mind when launching your next campaign.
Posted on September 14, 2011
Things happen in your community seven days a week. Maybe a pipe bursts on Saturday morning, and you want to tell your residents you're on the job. Or you're holding an event on Sunday-and you forgot to send us the post on Friday afternoon. And what about resident concerns? Why should they wait until Monday for an answer? Don't worry. We can help. On September 10, 2011, 4 WallsRead more
Posted on September 8, 2011
Respage reduces the time it takes to manage multifamily social media initiatives. While it's best for apartment professionals to manage social media initiatives in house, sometimes it's simply not realistic or as cost effective to do everything yourself. We're here to help you use social media to connect with your community, improve SEO and increase resident retention. Click here to watch our updated Flash presentation which highlights the many servicesRead more
Posted on September 6, 2011
Facebook’s new ad guidelines don’t contain any drastic changes. They essentially clarify what’s been there all along. The biggest change allows brick-and-mortar casinos, legal gaming establishments and state/national lottery commissions to advertise on the site. Of course they must follow applicable laws and rules, and the ads must target age-appropriate users. Online gaming still can’t be advertised in the US, but with prior approval Facebook may post these adsRead more
Posted on September 1, 2011
According to Technolog on, Facebook recently announced that they will be removing their “Places” check-in feature to replace it with a more “general location-tagging feature” that will allow users to tag places even if they’re not using a mobile device. Many of the features associated with “Places” will also be updated. We’ve recently noticed that instead of “check-ins,” it now says, “were here”: The new location-tagging feature willRead more
Facebook Users Can Now Comment on a Page Without “Liking” It
Posted on September 28, 2011
We all want to be liked, but on Facebook, at least, it's not what it used to be. 'Liking' a Facebook page used to unlock it, allowing users to post on its wall and comment on its updates. But now everyone can join the conversation, so 'likes' aren't an effective way to judge your popularity. With the restriction gone, your wall will be a livelier place-meaning you should monitorRead more