Facebook Call-To-Action Buttons Deliver 2.5X Higher Conversion Rates - Respage

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Facebook Call-To-Action Buttons Deliver 2.5X Higher Conversion Rates

Businesses can now add call-to-action buttons to their Facebook pages, according to a recent announcement from the social media giant. And if the results from initial test phases are any indication, these buttons will cause a significant leap in page conversions.

The new CTA button appears to the left of the ‘like’ button and features seven distinct phrase options: Book Now, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now, Sign Up, and Watch Video. Business page administrators are tasked with selecting a CTA button and pairing it with an appropriate destination URL on or off Facebook.

During the feature’s beta phase, Facebook enlisted the help of Dollar Shave Club, a subscription service for grooming products. According to Brian Kim, Dollar Shave Club’s Director of Acquisition, the results were nothing short of impressive.

“Over the course of a three-week test, the Sign Up call-to-action button delivered a 2.5x higher conversion rate versus other comparable social placements aimed to drive new user acquisition,” says Kim.

Although more creative marketers may be disappointed in the limited phrase options, it’s important to note that the choices do represent common web activity actions, including booking, e-commerce, and content consumption. Other phrases, such as Contact Us, provide a universal solution.

Facebook began rolling out the call-to-action button option in the United States approximately three weeks ago, though it is not available for all U.S. businesses yet. Plans to extend the service worldwide are slated for 2015.

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