Respage Rolls Out New Pay-Per-Click & Search Engine Marketing Offerings - Respage

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Respage Rolls Out New Pay-Per-Click & Search Engine Marketing Offerings

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM) that helps your apartment community or property management website appear in search engine results instantly.

This form of advertising is “Pay for Performance”, meaning you only pay when your ad is actually clicked on. Plus, PPC advertising is very flexible, and gives you complete control over your budget and how much you pay per click. You can change or even turn off your advertising with a moment’s notice, and PPC is a great way to jump start traffic generation for a new multifamily website, quickly increase your web traffic, or help you decrease your dependency on other advertising sources.

With our all-new SEM offerings, Respage can help you set up or improve current Google and Bing/Yahoo campaigns, and provide you with ongoing oversight. Our analytical approach helps maximize the number of targeted clicks you receive so you’ll get the most from your SEM investment.

Respage's SEM Service involves the following:

  • Developing a list of relevant target keyword phrases
  • Formulating a PPC strategy (i.e. determining traffic goals, average cost per click target and budget)
  • Writing ads
  • Setting up accounts with PPC vendors (e.g. Google)
  • Setting up Campaigns and AdGroups
  • Entering ads, keywords and bids
  • Monitoring results and adjusting bids and other campaign settings

Plus, on an ongoing basis, Respage will monitor your PPC campaign, adjust bids, write and test new ads, and provide monthly written feedback about your account so you can ensure that you’re getting the most for your investment!

For more information about Respage’s PPC and SEM services, click here or contact us.

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