How Respage Can Help You With Micro-Moment Apartment Marketing

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How Respage Can Help You With Micro-Moment Apartment Marketing

On any given day, a typical consumer will spend nearly five hours on his smartphone researching, purchasing, browsing. You might think, “Great, five hours to capture their attention with engaging content.” Not so fast. According to the internet gurus at Google, those hours are punctuated with pivotal micro-moments (about 150 of them daily) that determine if and how a renter interacts with your content.

Google defines micro-moments as “intent-rich moments” when a person unlocks their smartphone (or tablet or laptop) with the desire to “know, go, do, or buy.” With such a constant barrage of notifications, ads, and other digital noise, this split second is all that a company has to convince consumers to click in the direction of their content.

So how can your brand capitalize on the 150 micro-moments happening every second on smartphones across America? Let Respage help.

Our Chatbot
The Respage chatbot sparks interest and delivers information fast when a renter visits your apartment website. The chatbot offers up some quirky responses to renters’ inquiries, a fun way to get folks engaged, but mostly just provides straightforward info about your properties and renting processes almost instantaneously. The chatbot loads quickly so as to capitalize on a micro-moment, and it’s also compatible with smartphones to make mobile browsing a breeze.

PPC ads are the most effective when they target the type of micro-moment a renter is experiencing. For example, if a consumer simply wants to know something, they aren’t ready to buy. This means your ad should provide information, not push a hard sell. When someone searches for a “pet-friendly apartment” or an apartment in a specific city, having your content front and center without any pressure to commit will help you make the most of this micro-moment. Respage can help you to target your PPC ads to this specific audience and variety of micro-moment.

Reputation Management
When a potential renter experiences that want-to-know micro-moment, it’ll probably lead them to a review website. Although you can’t stop residents from voicing their opinions on these sites—both the positive and the not-so-positive—you can shape the conversation by responding promptly and professionally to reviews. This may help to resolve any issues with current residents and boost your online reputation. Since the team at most multifamily companies simply doesn’t have the time to respond personally to each online review, Respage can do it for you. Then when a would-be renter has that want-to-know moment, she’ll find a company that clearly cares about its residents as indicated by quick, courteous responses to reviews.

For more information on Respage marketing tools for apartments, check out the Respage website or schedule a demo today!

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