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Facebook is Listening

No really, it is. This week the social media giant announced a forthcoming mobile app that uses your smartphone's microphone to identify the music, movie, or TV show playing in the background. Users will then get the option to share this as a 'visual' post. Facebook promises that while no sound is stored, the data is archived. What's this mean? Your guess is as good as ours. But itRead more

Google Will Reportedly ‘Carve Up’ Google+

Know a dedicated Google+ user? We don't either. According to TechCrunch, Google is prepared to 'carve up' the failed social network and may integrate its features into existing Google products. That means Google+ will no longer compete with Facebook, but you'll probably see features like photos and Hangouts pop up elsewhere. Most Google+ employees are being folded into the Android team, so look for increased capabilities there. Mandatory Google+Read more

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