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5 Things Every Apartment Marketer Needs to Know About the Recent AdWords Changes

Over the weekend, Google eliminated the ads section that formerly appeared on the right hand side of the Search Engine Results Pages. The sudden and unexpected change has caused a ton of speculation on how advertisers, businesses, and users will be affected. In order to quell the concerns of apartment marketers, we took the liberty of answering five common questions we’re currently hearing from our clients. What’s different? PriorRead more

Google Changes Its PPC Ads Policy: No More Phone Numbers

Google recently announced that starting in April, AdWords ads with phone numbers in the text will no longer be approved. Instead, advertisers who wish to include phone numbers in their ads will have to use Google's call extension feature. According to Google, this change is being made to "foster a safer, more consistent user experience across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices." But, more than anything, what this does changeRead more

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