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Your Residents Aren’t the Only Ones Talking About Your Community — Leveraging Non-Residents’ Posts for Your Apartment Social Media Strategy

Your residents don’t exist within a vacuum: while they’re the ones actually living in and experiencing your community every day, their family members and friends also get an up-close-and-personal experience with the community. While you’re paying close attention to the things your residents say (and post) about your community, you may be missing out on a large number of other opinions that are out there online. So, how doRead more

Facebook’s Recent News Feed Update and What it Means for Multifamily

Facebook plans to radically change what appears in users’ news feeds, and the update could impact multifamily social media strategies. To bring you up to speed on the crucial details, we put together the following summary of what’s happening, why Facebook plans the changes, and - most importantly - how the updates could affect social media for apartment communities. What’s Happening?   Last week Mark Zuckerberg shocked Silicon ValleyRead more

How Facebook’s Newest “Engagement-Bait” Penalty Impacts Apartment Social Media Strategies

Facebook plans an algorithm change that could negatively impact apartment social media strategies, according to a Monday announcement posted to the company’s Newsroom blog. The update aims to penalize what it calls “engagement bait,” a practice commonly used to game the current News Feed algorithm.   The following paragraphs highlight the summary of the change, why it’s necessary, and what actions Respage users and other multifamily marketers can takeRead more

Facebook Is Placing Major Bets On Chatbot Technology And Multifamily Should Pay Close Attention!

Facebook recently extended its “Click to Messenger” button to Instagram, further signaling the social network’s push towards a universal use of its Messenger app. The move coincides with an industry trend that shows social users increasingly prefer personalized experiences over standard, static pages, and suggests that Facebook foresees a future where online experiences heavily rely on chatbot technology. But before we get into why that is and how multifamilyRead more

3 Useful Facebook Advertising Tips for 55+ Communities

Apartment marketers who work with 55+ communities don’t have too many options when it comes to social advertising. After all, it’s quite uncommon for a Baby Boomer to have an Instagram account. And you can completely forget about Snapchat. But there is one social network that has captured the attention of Boomers: Facebook. As of 2016, roughly 30 percent of Boomers had active Facebook accounts, and that number isRead more

Facebook’s Fair Housing Lawsuit is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Facebook recently found itself at the center of a Fair Housing Act controversy after a group of users filed a class-action lawsuit claiming the social network’s ad technology is used to racially discriminate against housing applicants. Although Facebook was quick to announce it would work on ways to prohibit racial discrimination in housing and employment ads, it’s proposed solution still has holes.  How it All Started The controversy canRead more

Clickbait Just Caught a Major Snag on Social Media

Apartment marketers who fish for pageviews with clickbait can soon expect a lighter catch. According to a Thursday announcement from Facebook, the social network plans to display clickbait headlines less frequently in users’ News Feeds. The update represents yet another move in Facebook’s larger strategy to improve the News Feed user experience. In late June, a similar announcement revealed business page content would appear less frequently in News FeedRead more

How to Create Apartment Social Media Pages That Renters Actually Enjoy

Finding new content day in and day out can be challenging. But if you want your apartment’s social media pages to engage residents, you need to stay on top of things. Make your job easier by following this 4-step process to finding and posting content your renters actually want to read. Step 1: Consider Who Your Renters Are and What They Like to Do No two residents are theRead more


A Quick Look at How Apartment Marketers Can Beat Ad Blocking Software

People hate ads and it’s all our fault. Need proof? Check out this article from Search Engine Watch. In it, author Leonie Mercedes reveals some pretty scary statistics regarding the rise of ad blockers. For example, AdBlock Plus – which is just one of many ad blockers out there – registered 100 million active users in 2016. That’s 100 million devices that marketers can no longer serve ads to.Read more

Our New Facebook Sweepstakes Has Started! Enter to Win an iPad Mini!

To enter the Sweepstakes, Like our Facebook Page and then look for the Sweepstakes tab (image shown below) located on our Facebook Page to enter. Sweepstakes ends December 31, 2013. For mobile users ONLY, like our Facebook Page, and then click here to enter!

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