Chatbot Archives - Respage

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So… What is an Apartment Chatbot, Anyway?

You don’t need to know the nitty-gritty tech behind artificial intelligence (AI) to use it on a daily basis. For instance, have you ever given Facebook the green light to auto-tag your friends in a newly uploaded photo? That facial recognition software is an example of AI. Have you ever asked Amazon Echo or Google Home to tell you the news or set a kitchen timer? Those voice-controlled devicesRead more

Facebook Is Placing Major Bets On Chatbot Technology And Multifamily Should Pay Close Attention!

Facebook recently extended its “Click to Messenger” button to Instagram, further signaling the social network’s push towards a universal use of its Messenger app. The move coincides with an industry trend that shows social users increasingly prefer personalized experiences over standard, static pages, and suggests that Facebook foresees a future where online experiences heavily rely on chatbot technology. But before we get into why that is and how multifamilyRead more

The Respage Chatbot: What Is It and Why Do Multifamily Marketers Need It?

Early last week, we officially announced our new Respage Chatbot offering. Fans of our products and services met this announcement with loads of excitement, but they also had loads of questions. This post aims to clear the whats, whys, and whens:    What is Chatbot? The Respage Chatbot is an artificially intelligent leasing agent. We’ve programmed it to answer all of the most common questions leasing agents receive fromRead more

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