Apartment Reviews Archives - Respage

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Is Your Property Responding to Reviews on the Most Popular Apartment Review Sites?

Searching online apartment reviews is an important decision-making trigger for most potential renters. As a result, it's a good idea to create an account on the most popular apartment review sites so that you can manage and respond to any reviews that come in. Not sure where to start? Respage has compiled a list of the most popular apartment review sites with simple instructions on how to set-up aRead more

Most Multifamily Property Managers Respond to Online Reviews, Study Shows

When it comes to online reviews, the majority of multifamily property managers say they respond. This is according to a recent 4 Walls survey of almost 300 multifamily property managers across the country. Seventy-eight percent of survey responders say they write replies to reviews on many popular review sites. And, of those, 67 percent said they reply to all reviews. Only 3 percent said they respond to positive reviewsRead more

Citysearch Reviews Now Available on Respage Express

Resident feedback is vital to your community’s marketing. When people can’t decide where to move, they often visit popular apartment review sites to find out more about the property. In addition to Yelp and apartmentratings.com, Respage recently added Citysearch to the sites available on the Respage Express system to help you monitor your online reputation. Not only can you keep tabs on your property’s latest scores and reviews, butRead more

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