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Biggest Lie in Apartment Marketing

The Biggest, Most Rotten Lie in Apartment Marketing

“We’ll drive more traffic to your website,” they said. “You’ll sign more leases,” they said. ...By now, you’ve heard that pitch one hundred times from one hundred vendors. Heck, you probably even heard it from us. (Sorry.) And even though this pitch is true at a basic level, it conveniently fails to mention several things can stop an initial website visit from becoming a pen to paper lease signing:Read more
AdWords Logo

The New Apartment PPC Ad Formats Promise a Better ROI

Your apartment PPC ads might look different in the coming months. But don’t worry. This change is for the better. Earlier this year, Google rolled out a new AdWords format dubbed Expanded Text Ads. This format was experimental at first and served as a compliment to the original Standard Text Ads format. But according to a statement issued by the search company, Expanded Text Ads will replace Standard TextRead more

How to Boost Your Apartment PPC Positions Without Raising Bids

Securing a higher position in Google almost guarantees that your website listing will get more clicks. And because more clicks translates to more traffic and conversions, multifamily marketers are willing to pay a lot of money to gain higher positions. But what if we told you that you could boost your apartment PPC positions without raising your bid price? Believe it or not, ad spend isn’t the end-all-be-all ofRead more

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