Posted on March 17, 2015
Providing referral incentives to your current renters is a great way to gain solid leads and sign more leases. But getting the word out about your referral programs can be tough. That’s why we’re introducing an all-new Respage feature that helps apartment communities market their referral programs with ease. As of March 10, the Respage Dashboard allows users to create a Residential Referral Post within our system and setRead more
Posted on March 9, 2015
To enter the Sweepstakes, visit our Facebook Page and then look for the Sweepstakes tab (image shown below) located on our Facebook Page to enter. Sweepstakes ends April 30th, 2015. We suggest you like our page to keep informed about future sweepstakes and community happenings. For mobile users, click here to enter.
Posted on March 3, 2015
Several years back, it wasn't rare to find tweets in Google search results. Twitter and the search giant had arranged a deal so that Google could get lightning fast results from Twitter's data stream. In turn, Twitter received leads for users who previously didn't use the social platform. That is, however, until 2011, when the deal between the two companies expired. Fast forward four years and it looks likeRead more
Posted on February 27, 2015
Photo Credit: Instagram-logo by José Moutinho | CC BY 2.0 Property management companies can now leverage the influence of Instagram through Respage Express. The addition of the image-sharing platform represents yet another step in our commitment to bring clients the industry’s best online marketing tools. In a social media landscape that absolutely loves image-based posts, harnessing the power of Instagram correctly can make a world of difference in yourRead more
Posted on February 12, 2015
Mastering Twitter’s engagement value is a great way to spread awareness about your apartment community. But given the platform’s character count limits, finding the right balance between engagement and brevity presents a challenge. A few months back, Eric Enge and the team from conducted a comprehensive study to figure out how marketers can make the most of their tweets. Here’s a brief overview of what they found: ARead more
Posted on January 22, 2015
Google thumbed its nose at Europe’s “Right to be Forgotten” laws in Lisbon on Tuesday, noting that it will not honor de-listing requests beyond country specific domains. The tech giant’s stance is considered an affront to privacy by some individuals, while others consider it a protection of free speech. Enforced by EU data privacy laws, “Right to be Forgotten” forces Google and other search engines to remove negative listingsRead more
Posted on January 7, 2015
To enter the Sweepstakes, Like our Facebook Page and then look for the Sweepstakes tab (image shown below) located on our Facebook Page to enter. Sweepstakes ends February 28, 2015. For mobile users ONLY, like our Facebook Page, and then click here to enter!
Posted on January 7, 2015
Businesses can now add call-to-action buttons to their Facebook pages, according to a recent announcement from the social media giant. And if the results from initial test phases are any indication, these buttons will cause a significant leap in page conversions. The new CTA button appears to the left of the ‘like’ button and features seven distinct phrase options: Book Now, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now,Read more
Posted on December 11, 2014
Apartment communities around the country access thousands of social media sites through our Respage Express Dashboard. With so many social media connections, we've come up with some quick statistics on the average number of followers and Likes for multifamily communities. Apartment community Facebook pages using Respage average more than 250 Likes each. Twitter accounts and Google+ pages check in with fewer average connections. Respage connected Twitter accounts average nearlyRead more
Posted on December 5, 2014
Do your tweets now offer Analytics Details when you view them in the Twitter iOS app? The social network has long had its very own analytics dashboard available on the website, but some users of the Twitter iPhone app have begun noticing an option to "View Analytics Details" directly from the tweet view in the app. New York Times technology columnist Farhad Manjoo was among the first toRead more