Quickly Spread the Word about Your Apartment Referral Incentives with the Newest Respage Feature - Respage

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Quickly Spread the Word about Your Apartment Referral Incentives with the Newest Respage Feature

Providing referral incentives to your current renters is a great way to gain solid leads and sign more leases. But getting the word out about your referral programs can be tough. That’s why we’re introducing an all-new Respage feature that helps apartment communities market their referral programs with ease.

As of March 10, the Respage Dashboard allows users to create a Residential Referral Post within our system and set that post to publish once a month. These posts can be edited at any time. And only users with select publishing permissions can create and modify their content.

Entirely automated, this feature offers apartment management companies the ability to effortlessly market their referral programs. The feature also fully integrates with connected social media accounts like Twitter and Facebook, spreading awareness via these platforms as well.

Users with Admin access will find the option to add a Referral Message on the Edit Campaign screen of their Respage Dashboards. After a Referral Message is added, Admin users may access the message under the Referral Posts tab, rather than under the Recurring Posts or Scheduled Posts tabs. While Workflow and Read Only users cannot add or delete Referral Posts, they will be able to view them.

Easy and convenient, our new Residential Referral Post feature represents yet another example of how Respage saves apartment management companies time and resources. Contact us to learn more about how this solution can work for you.


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