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Multifamily marketing tips, tools, resources, cat gifs and so much more. Created by our team, for yours.

Reputation Management Analytics: The Respage Difference

For the past two months, we've studied every social media comment and mention for clients that use our moderation services. That's over 3,500 comments, and they've taught us a few things. First, preliminary numbers confirm that social media isn't a big source of leads, with them making up only 3.6% of comments and mentions. But here's the good news: for the multifamily industry, social media pages function as bustlingRead more

Introducing Respage Express

Got the hang of social media, but need a helping hand? Try Respage Express, our self-service tool. It lets you post social media updates, monitor multiple accounts, manage your reputation and perform analytics, all from our easy-to-use content management system. Check out the slides below to learn more about how Respage Express can help you: What Is Respage Express? View more PowerPoint from Respage  

Respage Survey Reveals Most Multifamily Social Media Engagement Is ‘Transactional’

One of Respage's great features is its hand-scored reputation management system. For two months, Respage has categorized over 3500 social media comments and mentions for its clients using our content moderation services. After crunching the numbers, we've discovered that most social media mentions in the multifamily industry are neither positive nor negative. They're 'transactional.' Want to learn more? Click here to read Ellen Thompson explain the numbers over atRead more

Facebook Breaks 900 Million Users

In documents filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) in advance of its initial public offering, Facebook revealed that it now has 901 million monthly active users, compared with 680 million just a year ago. The documents also state that over 500 million users engage with the site on mobile devices. By any measure, this is an astonishing rate of growth. To put it in perspective, the currentRead more

Facebook Launches ‘Call to Action’ Buttons

Your residents will soon be able to do more than just 'Like' you on Facebook. Click here to learn about an important change in Facebook's marketing tools.

Happy Birthday, Twitter!

Twitter turned six on March 21st. Click here to learn about how quickly the site has grown, and where it's going in the future.

Announcing Respage Express & Plus Website

Today, Respage adds two new products to its suite of social media marketing tools for the multifamily industry. The products promise to give you even more flexibility in achieving your marketing goals. Respage Express, our self-service option, lets you post social media updates, monitor multiple accounts, manage your reputation, and review analytics, all from our easy-to-use content management system. Plus Website includes an integrated website and blog. Our staff handles everything for you:Read more

Facebook Timeline Ads Are Here

Facebook advertisers now have a new option: ads that appear in news feeds, even if your company is not connected with the user. Sound good? Maybe not. Learn more here.

Breaking News: Responding to Criticism, Pinterest Changes Terms of Use

We recently told you about a clause in Pinterest's Terms of Use that allowed the service to sell your content. Last week Pinterest announced that the clause has been removed, saying that 'selling content was never our intention.' However, the updated Terms of Use, which take effect on April 6 and can be viewed here, still grants Pinterest the right to reproduce or adapt your content however they wish,Read more

Introducing Philly Apartment Living

Our new Philly Apartment Living blog is more than meets the eye. If you rent an apartment in the Philadelphia area, the blog will help you spruce up your place and plan a night out. And if you need a new home, it'll point you in the right direction, from starter studios in the Northeast to luxury three-bedrooms in Old City. We like to think it'll save you time,Read more

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