Respage Will Update Your Blog with a Beautiful New Template Completely Free of Charge - Respage

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Respage Will Update Your Blog with a Beautiful New Template Completely Free of Charge


The Respage design team just developed five brand-new templates for your WordPress blog. To show our enthusiasm about these beautiful new templates, we’re giving existing accounts a modern design makeover completely free of charge!

The five new templates allow for various layouts and styles. The traditional layout (illustrated in the image at the top of this page) consists of two columns, where blog posts fall on the left of the screen and a sidebar falls on the right. Other styles include a two grid layout, a two grid layout with a sidebar, a three grid layout, and a three column layout with two sidebars. Check out the sample sites page of our website for images of all five layouts.

To bring your current and prospective lessees the best user experience possible, each blog layout follows responsive design principles that promise a fluid experience across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. In addition, blog color schemes can be completely customized to match your property’s current logo and branding initiatives.

3 Reasons Why Apartment Communities Need Blogs

Blogs serve an important role in Search Engine Optimization for apartments, and online apartment marketing, for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, blog posts written about places or events in your community’s area stand a likely chance of scoring high search rankings for certain keyword queries. For example, a blog post titled “Best Burger Joints in Summerville, NC” has a considerable chance of ranking highly for a query like “best cheeseburgers in Summerville.” Although a person conducting such a query may not be in the market for a new apartment, the simple fact that he or she clicks on your listing tells Google that the user found your site to be an authoritative source, and the search engine will remember that your site is an authoritative source any time another search is conducted for the Summerville, NC, region.

In addition to drawing potential lessees through organic search, blogs can also help apartment communities gain access to relevant social feeds in the area. For example, if the person conducting the “best burger” search found your blog post so entertaining that he or she chose to share it via a social channel like Facebook or Twitter, that post will then be exposed to hundreds, or possibly thousands, of other residents in the Summerville area. And if just a handful of those exposed to the post are looking for a new apartment, you’ve just landed a number of leads.

Last but not least, blogs serve as a digital watering hole for your entire apartment community. Property managers who keep an open dialogue with their renters by regularly engaging with them have an upper hand when it comes to dealing with public relations issues. Furthermore, an active and happy digital presence reassures prospective renters that their needs will be acknowledged if they choose to move to your community.

Respage plans on releasing even more blog templates within the coming months. To establish a property blog or update your existing Respage blog with one of our newest templates, contact your Respage representative today.

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