Just Pay Attention - Respage

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Just Pay Attention

Back in the days when we were in class we heard that expression from our instructor….”Just pay attention!”   Why was that expression used?  More than likely it was because of the vast amount of information that was being shared.  If we did not pay attention then we could potentially miss out on some key information that is critical enough to affect our grade.

It is no different today when it comes to our digital marketing.  The continued rise in statistics can lead us to be a bit baffled on how to keep up which is why we need to pay attention.  Take a look at some basic rising statistics.

  • Mobile drives over 50% of all e-commerce traffic
  • Mobile and social are merging.
  • By 2018 video will account for over 2/3 of mobile usage.
  • Every second 2 new members join LinkedIn.
  • Grandparents are the fastest growing demographic on Twitter.
  • 90% of buyers trust peer recommendations.
  • The average person has a: 07 attention span…that’s worse than a goldfish.
  • Hello 4 C’s of Digital: Creating, Curating, Connecting, and Culture

Source : Equalman

we are social


Source: WeAreSocial 

The statistics are endless but the point is true.  We must pay attention.  Are we planning our marketing strategies to cover us through 2015 or are we preparing now for the growing trends that will lead us for the next few years to come?  Do major decisions such as making our websites mobile friendly take months or years because of having to go through layers of corporate “bureaucracy”?

The good news is that overall costs of developing and maintaining our digital presence have significantly gone down over the years.  I am seeing more and more property management companies and industry partners who have invested in key positions to make sure that their digital strategy is sound and that they can closely monitor their brand.

So let’s keep paying attention and enjoy the digital race that we are all in.  Let the facts continue to serve as a great reminder for us to be ahead of the curve.

Written by Jonathan Saar- Respage

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