Duck Duck Go Now Available in 4 New Languages - Respage

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Duck Duck Go Now Available in 4 New Languages

Duck Duck Go, the small search engine that vows to protect user privacy, now operates in four different languages. The update represents yet another stage in the Philadelphia startup's move to assert itself in the search market.

According to an official statement, released on Tuesday, February 17, the four newly languages include French, German, Czech, and Polish. The announcement also released details about 9 million Wikipedia pages which were translated, citing Notre Dame in French and The UN in Czech as a few examples.

Users of the alternative search engine will automatically receive translated results if their web browser is set to one of the four languages. Translated results will also be available to those who default to one of those languages via Duck Duck Go's settings options.

Although a permanent date has not yet been established, the announcement also alluded to adding Spanish and Russian to its repertoire in the coming months, and even asked users for suggestions regarding other languages options for the future.

While certainly the underdog when compared to Google, Yahoo, and Bing, Duck Duck Go shows real promise in the search industry through their commitment to user privacy and technological innovation. And as fellow Philadelphia-based tech geeks, the Respage team wishes for their continued success.

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