Stay Connected with Our Monitoring Feature! - Respage

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Stay Connected with Our Monitoring Feature!

With the many items on your to-do list, it can be difficult to find time to keep up with all the comments being made on social media by clients and prospective clients. When do you have time in the day to check your company's Facebook page, Twitter, and blog to see if there are any comments you need to respond to? That's where our Monitoring service comes in; we review, categorize and notify you of new comments on WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, YouTube, and more:

  • When a comment is made, our monitoring team will email you alerting you there is a comment you need to respond to. If it is something we can easily respond to, we will enter a response for you. Otherwise, you can simply respond to the email with what you'd like to say back and we will post the comment for you! Alternatively, you can log into Respage Express and respond to the comment yourself.
  • Each comment is scored in a category such as Service Request, Lead, Review/Rating or Client Comment. You will then be able to see exactly how residents are using each social media platform to communicate with the company.

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