Multifamily Reputation Monitoring Archives - Respage

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Respage Now Features Renter’s Voice Ratings

Psst. The supermodel at Table Six thinks you look great tonight. … but quickly, before she comes over: get the spinach out of your teeth. Finished? Good. For better or worse, it helps to know what people are saying about you. That's why Respage's reputation management tool features major apartment rating and review sites:, Yelp, Google+, CitySearch, and now Renter's Voice. Respage organizes all your social media ratings,Read more

Managing Apartments.Com Reviews Just Got Easier

What are people saying about your community? is often the first stop for renters during their apartment search, and reviews are central to their decision making process. That's why Respage Express now features reviews. Yes, that's right: all your incoming reviews — including Yelp, CitySearch, and Google+ Local — are in one place, beside other social media comments and mentions. We're proud to partner with inRead more

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