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Facebook is Listening

No really, it is. This week the social media giant announced a forthcoming mobile app that uses your smartphone's microphone to identify the music, movie, or TV show playing in the background. Users will then get the option to share this as a 'visual' post. Facebook promises that while no sound is stored, the data is archived. What's this mean? Your guess is as good as ours. But itRead more

Facebook Is Watching You

Gone are the days when real-time tracking of another human being required an unmarked van, a satellite, and men in dark glasses. The launch of Facebook's "Nearby Friends" feature allows users to track their friends everywhere. The feature displays nearby friends on a map of the local area. It promises accuracy within half a mile and works quite well in spaces like airports and train stations, where Facebook encouragesRead more

Facebook Business Pages Get New Look & Features

Facebook pages have made some important — if mostly cosmetic — changes in the past few weeks. Business pages have a new look. Facebook promises that the changes, which apply exclusively to desktop users, will make information easier to find and admins more efficient. An important new feature allows admins to break down contributions by author. Desktop colors, images, and control functions have also been streamlined to more closelyRead more

Hosting a Facebook Contest? Respage Can Help!

Facebook contests are one of the best ways to grow and engage your social media audience. They're governed by very specific rules, though. To save you the trouble of digging through Facebook's user guidelines, we've put together a brief summary of how we can help you run a Facebook contest. Check them out here, and let us know if you have any questions.

Facebook’s ‘Get Notifications’ Feature

‘Liking’ doesn’t guarantee that Facebook followers will see all your posts. But don’t worry, there’s a way for your biggest fans to stay in extra close touch: the ‘Get Notifications’ feature. It ensures that every post you make appears in a user’s newsfeed and notifies them when your page is updated. But not all your followers want to to see every post, and many don’t want lots of notificationRead more

Clean Up Your Facebook Newsfeed

Every Facebook newsfeed gets cluttered. Maybe it's Aunt Zelda's knitting pictures, or a professional association posting 'helpful' inspirational quotes. You want them in your friends list, but you can't deal with the content. There's now a tactful solution. Go to an offending post's drop down menu and click 'I Don't Want to See This.' That's it. The friend has been banished from your feed, but they're still a friend.Read more

Facebook Has a Long Memory

We've all thought twice before posting on Facebook. Maybe you're sick and tired of a competitor's behavior, or you want to tell Uncle Mike what you think of his politics. The comment is on the screen, ready to go, pithy, cutting, memorable… …and a bad idea. So you hold off, saving yourself the embarrassment. But Facebook remembers. The site collects data as you type, then analyzes users' 'self censoring'Read more

Facebook Privacy Policy Changes

Facebook has changed its privacy policy. Again. The changes enlist you — or your business — to pitch products. Unfortunately there's no multimillion dollar endorsement deal; if you loved the new Beatles reissue or served Pepsi products at your latest event, be careful what you say on Facebook, because your words can appear in a 'promoted' post. Don't like the idea? Permission is granted when you sign up forRead more

Facebook’s New Insights Tool Provides Stronger Analytics

Have you seen Facebook’s new Insights tool? The upgraded analytics feature finally rolled out to all users in October. It’s a clear snapshot of the current week’s page activity compared to the previous week’s sample, including total likes, new likes, total page reach, and a breakdown of engaged users. You can also see the total number of likes for your posts, along with comments, shares, and clicks. If youRead more

Customize What You Share on Facebook

You make shoes. That good-looking actor from a hit TV show was pictured wearing a pair. Good for you, of course, and you want to show it off. But the article is called HIT TV SHOW RENEWED FOR 22ND SEASON, and the actor is pictured halfway down the page. So how do you get people to click? Facebook now lets you customize thumbnails and titles for articles you share.Read more

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