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Facebook Has a Long Memory

We've all thought twice before posting on Facebook. Maybe you're sick and tired of a competitor's behavior, or you want to tell Uncle Mike what you think of his politics. The comment is on the screen, ready to go, pithy, cutting, memorable… …and a bad idea. So you hold off, saving yourself the embarrassment. But Facebook remembers. The site collects data as you type, then analyzes users' 'self censoring'Read more

Facebook Privacy Policy Changes

Facebook has changed its privacy policy. Again. The changes enlist you — or your business — to pitch products. Unfortunately there's no multimillion dollar endorsement deal; if you loved the new Beatles reissue or served Pepsi products at your latest event, be careful what you say on Facebook, because your words can appear in a 'promoted' post. Don't like the idea? Permission is granted when you sign up forRead more

New Facebook Privacy Controls

Facebook rolled out new privacy controls this month. The biggest change? Visibility. Users can no longer opt-out of Facebook's search function. That means that you can no longer be 'invisible' on the site; anyone with your name or e-mail address will be able to see that you have a profile — though not necessarily what's on it. The move is a big step toward Facebook's ultimate goal: becoming theRead more

Vote on Facebook’s Privacy Policy Changes

Want to make your voice heard regarding the proposed Facebook policy changes? Now is your opportunity. On Monday, December 3, 2012, voting opened on Facebook and users have until 12pm PST on Monday, December 10, 2012 to share their opinion about the proposal, including whether or not users should have the opportunity to vote on future changes. Get more information on the Facebook Site Governance Vote.

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