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Reviews Are Front and Center on Facebook’s Newly Launched Places Directory

Step aside, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Foursquare. Facebook has quietly rolled out a new feature, Facebook Places, with the goal of bringing together the best parts of all three services — information on your friends' activities, reviews, and geolocation data — all in one. Using the search bar on the landing page of Facebook Places, type in the name of a city. It will display six categories, Restaurants, Hotels, Bars,Read more

Say Goodbye to Facebook Check-In Features

According to Technolog on msnbc.com, Facebook recently announced that they will be removing their “Places” check-in feature to replace it with a more “general location-tagging feature” that will allow users to tag places even if they’re not using a mobile device.  Many of the features associated with “Places” will also be updated.  We’ve recently noticed that instead of “check-ins,” it now says, “were here”: The new location-tagging feature willRead more

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