Facebook Newsfeed Archives - Respage

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Clean Up Your Facebook Newsfeed

Every Facebook newsfeed gets cluttered. Maybe it's Aunt Zelda's knitting pictures, or a professional association posting 'helpful' inspirational quotes. You want them in your friends list, but you can't deal with the content. There's now a tactful solution. Go to an offending post's drop down menu and click 'I Don't Want to See This.' That's it. The friend has been banished from your feed, but they're still a friend.Read more

Facebook’s New Look

Your Facebook newsfeed has a new look: cleaner, easier to read and more visually compelling, with content like music information and Instagram pictures broken into separate feeds. Click here for more information, and watch this space for details on how the new format might impact your business.

Facebook’s New News Feed: A Better User Experience

Once again, Facebook has decided that in order to stay relevant to its users, an update is in order. But unlike the Timeline update that took place last year, which completely overhauled the appearance and functionality of profiles and business pages, this update is intended to allow users to have better control over the stories they see in their News Feed. Amongst other possible features, rumors suggest that usersRead more

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