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Will the New “Mid Roll” Facebook Ads Create More Opportunities for Multifamily Marketers?

On Monday Facebook announced its plans to launch a new video advertising feature, according to Techcrunch. The new feature will allow advertisers to run video ads “mid roll,” which will presumably lead to increased engagement for advertisers and higher revenue for publishers. Mid roll ads will only be available on videos that run for 90 seconds or longer. The Techcrunch story also noted the ads will appear at leastRead more

These 3 Facts Explain Why Successful Apartment Marketers Love Paid Social Ads

In order to maintain your title as a successful apartment marketer, you need to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest techniques and strategies for advertising your properties. With that in mind, we put together three facts that explain why paid social ads on Facebook and Instagram are becoming the go-to method for multifamily marketing professionals across the country. If paid social ads aren’t partRead more

3 Things Every Apartment Marketer Should Know About Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is the latest craze in apartment marketing, with countless communities reporting an explosion in lead growth after experimenting with the social network. But as is the case with most new trends in the industry, many multifamily professionals have a lot of questions about how these ads can help their communities get more visibility on Facebook. To help bring a little bit of light to the issue, we’veRead more

Want an App? Get on Facebook

Facebook is now an app store. iPhone and iPad users running iOS6 can now download apps by clicking on Facebook ads. Facebook's app store will appear in a separate dialog box; once the app installs, users can pick up where they left off. They were previously redirected to Apple's app store. The new feature is a big step in prolonging the user experience and, crucially, getting mobile users toRead more

Facebook Timeline Ads Are Here

Facebook advertisers now have a new option: ads that appear in news feeds, even if your company is not connected with the user. Sound good? Maybe not. Learn more here.

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