Connect with Residents Archives - Respage

Learn with Respage

Multifamily marketing tips, tools, resources, cat gifs and so much more. Created by our team, for yours.

Hurricane Sandy & Social Media: A Case Study

Respage is a comprehensive social media partner for apartment communities. During Hurricane Sandy, the service allowed clients to focus on residents and property, secure in the knowledge that communication was versatile, constant and stable. For more on how Respage helped clients communicate quickly and effectively during this critical time, click here.

What is Respage, Anyway?

Respage reduces the time it takes to manage multifamily social media initiatives. While it's best for apartment professionals to manage social media initiatives in house, sometimes it's simply not realistic or as cost effective to do everything yourself. We're here to help you use social media to connect with your community, improve SEO and increase resident retention. Click here to watch our updated Flash presentation which highlights the many servicesRead more

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