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Can Apartment Communities Drive More Leads With Remarketing Ads?

Apartment marketing in the digital age involves a ton of moving parts. You have Search Engine Optimization. You have Pay Per Click advertising. You have social media. The list goes on… But of all these different strategies for marketing apartments online, few are understood as little as remarketing ads. That’s why we built this quick guide to remarketing ads for apartment communities. Check out the paragraphs below to discoverRead more

Don’t Ditch Your Blog! Consider These 3 Questions Before Scrapping Your Community’s Most Important Marketing Asset

With all of the emphasis that today’s marketers place on social media, search engine optimization, and content marketing, it’s easy to understand why some apartment communities are reluctant to embrace blogging. But while this early Web 2.0 term may seem antiquated in 2015, the practice of blogging is actually more important than ever. In fact, it’s not a stretch to say that a company’s blog is the backbone toRead more

7 Mind-Blowing Facts about Online Reviews that Everyone in the Multifamily Industry Should Know

Earlier this week, Respage CEO Jackie Koehler received an email from Myles Anderson, the CEO of UK-based BrightLocal. Myles and his team previously provided us with incredibly informative statistics regarding the role that review sites play in customer acquisition, so we were extremely excited to learn that BrightLocal had recently published the results of their 2015 Local Consumer Review Survey. While the following facts are sourced from a surveyRead more

How the Newest Google Trends Update Works Wonders for Your Apartment Marketing Strategy

We’re a big fan of data-driven insights. So when Google announced last week that it had updated its Trends tool to deliver cleaner data sets in real-time, our geek levels reached an all time high. For those readers who are not data-junkies, Google Trends is a free tool that allows anyone to collect insights about trending stories around the web. With Google Trends, you can search for a specificRead more

3 Valuable Tips for Successfully Improving Your Apartment Community’s Online Image

Improving your apartment community's online image can result in more lease signings and a lower vacancy rate. With that in mind, we've created the following list of tips for enhancing your community's online reputation. #1: Encourage Reviews Developing a large list of informative and positive reviews takes time, but your efforts pay off in the long run. Review sites are often the first listings that appear under your mainRead more

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