Apartment Communities Archives - Respage

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Multifamily marketing tips, tools, resources, cat gifs and so much more. Created by our team, for yours.

Affordable Multifamily Websites with Fully Integrated Social Media

Respage is proud to announce Respage Community Websites — highly customizable, feature-rich community and property management websites for as little as $59 per month. The service fully integrates social media, and offers property managers a quick, easy and visually striking way to engage with residents and prospects. Find out more here.

Social Media ROI: What Is It?

'Does social media turn into leads and leases?' Customers ask us this question a lot, and we have to say 'probably not.' Other than Craigslist (which isn't technically social media) and generating resident referrals through posts, social media generally doesn't create leads. We track leads for about 400 client communities, and our data shows that six social media-based leads per community per year is a good number. Why? ProspectiveRead more

Hurricane Sandy & Social Media: A Case Study

Respage is a comprehensive social media partner for apartment communities. During Hurricane Sandy, the service allowed clients to focus on residents and property, secure in the knowledge that communication was versatile, constant and stable. For more on how Respage helped clients communicate quickly and effectively during this critical time, click here.

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