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Biggest Lie in Apartment Marketing

The Biggest, Most Rotten Lie in Apartment Marketing

“We’ll drive more traffic to your website,” they said. “You’ll sign more leases,” they said. ...By now, you’ve heard that pitch one hundred times from one hundred vendors. Heck, you probably even heard it from us. (Sorry.) And even though this pitch is true at a basic level, it conveniently fails to mention several things can stop an initial website visit from becoming a pen to paper lease signing:Read more

3 Reasons Spanish-Speaking Multifamily Chatbots Are A Smart Move in 2017

Last week, Respage announced that our revolutionary multifamily chatbots can now ‘speak’ Spanish. As a follow up to that announcement, we wanted to clarify what prompted us to build this technology. Check out the following three reasons why Spanish-bots are a growing multifamily necessity in 2017. The United States Has A Large (And Growing) Spanish Speaking Population Aside from English, Spanish is the most widely used language in theRead more

Apartment Communities & Colleges Share A Common Marketing Success Strategy: Chatbots

What do applying for college and applying for an apartment have in common? First, they both involve big decisions to make, forms to fill out, documentation to secure, money to fork over. Second, they both lean heavily toward younger people. And finally, both are looking to artificial intelligence-driven technology to help streamline their processes. Specifically, chatbots. In the higher ed camp, there’s Pounce. Georgia State University launched this textRead more

We Analyzed 11 Multifamily Chatbots Over a 2-Week Period, and the Results are Incredible

Respage multifamily chatbots are spreading like wildfire. Trust us when we say we’re extremely happy about that. In fact, the only thing that makes us happier is looking at all the data that shows how successful they are at helping our clients. To spread some of that joy, we put together the following insights from a recent study we conducted. The study took a look at chatbot data forRead more

What’s Hot and What’s Not in Apartment Marketing

Social media, pay-per-click advertising and email marketing are hot. Craigslist and ILS are not. These were the biggest takeaways from a recent Multifamily Insiders marketing strategies survey of more than 100 apartment professionals. A whopping 77% said their use of social media has increased compared to last year. This makes perfect sense when you consider that one-third of millennials (also known as “the rental generation”) say social media isRead more

Apartment Chatbots: Here to Help, Not to Take Your Job

It’s a scenario that’s been a pop culture fixation and a familiar trope of sci-fi writers: Artificial intelligence has become so advanced that bots overthrow the human race. The reality (at least in 2017, anyway) is that AI — chatbot technology in particular — is a tool that can be used to make our lives easier. Industries across the board are exploring ways to apply it, and customer serviceRead more

The Respage Multifamily Chatbot: An Ultimate Guide

Respage launched the first ever multifamily chatbot in late May of this year. Two months have past since that launch date, and over that short time we’ve deployed the amazing little chatbots on apartment websites across the country. This article not only explains what our multifamily chatbots are and why they’re necessary for today’s renters, it also highlights several success stories to show you real world examples of how prospectsRead more

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