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Is Your Social Media Plan Prepared For a Disaster?

Hurricane Sandy decimated the northeast, causing historic property damage and knocking out power to 2.5 million customers in New York and New Jersey alone. As the storm moved up the coast, mobile social media was the only information channel available to many of those in its path; and as flooding, fuel shortages and transportation issues remained in effect, social media was a primary way to get vital information inRead more

Help Your Facebook Fans Keep In Touch

Soon, your fans can choose to be notified every time you update your Facebook business page. Simply tell them to click the blue 'Liked' button and choose the 'Get Notifications' option. This saves users the trouble of scrolling through their News Feeds. The feature hasn't rolled out to everyone yet, but that should happen soon. Learn more here.

Hurricane Sandy & Social Media: A Case Study

Respage is a comprehensive social media partner for apartment communities. During Hurricane Sandy, the service allowed clients to focus on residents and property, secure in the knowledge that communication was versatile, constant and stable. For more on how Respage helped clients communicate quickly and effectively during this critical time, click here.

Find a Job on Facebook

Look out, LinkedIn. Facebook is now helping its users find jobs. Facebook's new Social Jobs app is a partnership between the site, the U.S. Department of Labor and several national labor groups. Compiling listings from leading online job boards like Monster, Work4Labs and BranchOut, the app currently lists more than 1.7 million jobs. If you're nervous about letting prospective employers near your Facebook, don't be; the app is simply anRead more

Pinterest Launches Business Accounts

Businesses now have dedicated space on Pinterest. The image-based social media site now lets businesses identify themselves by name and verify their identities using a hidden line of code. When the code is recognized, verified businesses receive a badge on their Pinterest profiles. The site has also made it easier for businesses to add Pin It and Follow buttons to their websites, as well as brand-new widgets that showcaseRead more

New Facebook Sweepstakes! Enter to Win an iPad mini!

To enter the Sweepstakes, Like our Facebook page and then click on the Sweepstakes tab on our Facebook page to enter. Sweepstakes ends December 31, 2012.

Changes to Facebook Timeline

When Facebook's Timeline format rolled out last year, many users complained that the format was confusing. The site may be listening to them. Facebook is currently testing a revamped Timeline that, well, doesn't look much like a Timeline at all. The updated version is no longer divided in half, and modules on the right-hand side are now smaller than posts. The new Timeline is currently being tested on aRead more

Respage Express Reputation Monitoring

Resident reviews are vital to your community’s marketing. When people can’t decide where to move, Yelp or often make the difference. Respage Express makes it easy to monitor your online reputation. A single screen shows your community’s most recent Yelp and scores, as well as your averages on both sites. It also compares these numbers to your competitors, giving you a clear picture of what residents areRead more

Instagram Enters the Big Leagues

Instagram has overtaken Twitter in daily mobile users. According to comScore, the image sharing site now has 7.3 million daily active users, compared to Twitter's 6.9 million. Smartphone owners also spent far more time on Instagram — an average of 250 minutes to Twitter's 147. Since Instagram has only 22 million US users to Twitter's 29 million, this is quite a healthy engagement level. The change is sparked byRead more

Facebook’s New Store

Facebook is now a player in e-commerce. Last week the site began rolling out a "Gifts" feature, which effectively creates a store similar to Amazon and eBay. It shows up as a pink gift box in the message posting area of a friend's timeline; clicking allows you to send the person everything from actual stuffed animals to Starbucks gift cards. The store will grow every day, and Facebook plansRead more

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