How Will New Pinterest Search Ads Impact Multifamily Marketing?

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What Impact Will the New Pinterest Search Ads Have on Multifamily Marketers?

Pinterest officially introduced its new search ads feature last week, giving Multifamily marketers a great way to reach more prospects and sign more leases.vian34vian34

The new search ads are keyword-based and appear in a sponsored section of the app whenever a user performs a search. Similar to Google AdWords, the ads run on a Pay-Per-Click model. But in a distinguishing move, Pinterest ads contain large images instead of blocks of text. This allows them to seamlessly blend into the Pinterest platform, which is far more visual than Google Search.

Although few apartment marketers have time for yet another social platform – after all, we already have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and countless others on our plates – Pinterest’s search ads could prove highly valuable. The platform boasts an impressive 70 million active users in the US, and stakes a claim on over 73 percent of US millennial women, making it a fantastic place to increase your community’s online visibility. On top of that, it’s the go-to site for interior decorating ideas, and a substantial amount of people who research those ideas are also actively researching new places to live.

It’s too early to definitively say how apartment marketers can best use the new ads or which methods show the greatest results. However, due to the platform’s visual nature, it stands to reason that Instagram ads could serve as a solid design blueprint. With that in mind, including images that focus on specific in-unit amenities and the experiences those amenities bring would be a smart approach to your overall ad design strategy. Staging a unit with a lot of unique or quirky furniture and hiring a photographer would also be a smart – albeit expensive – idea.

Respage will continue monitoring the progress of this new feature in the coming months to keep our clients and readers up to date on all meaningful developments.

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