4Walls Spotlight: Meet Justin S. - Respage

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4Walls Spotlight: Meet Justin S.

Justin S.

Co-Editor & Content Manager, Head Writer

How long have you been with 4Walls?
9 months

What’s a typical day like for you?
I spend a lot of time meeting with corporate clients, learning about their businesses, their customers, and where they see themselves in the future. This helps me create a strong campaign and ‘speak’ with their voice.

If I’m not doing that, I’m researching. We have clients across many industries, so I need to learn quickly.

Otherwise I’m editing copy from our staff or brainstorming new topics and initiatives with my colleagues. All my work comes back to one thing: producing clear, compelling, accurate copy for clients and apartment residents.

Oh, and I write a lot.

What’s the best thing about your job?
I enjoy learning about new industries and unfamiliar parts of the country. We provide information that’s useful to people in their everyday lives, and when appropriate I hope we do it with flair and sense of humor.

My colleagues are smart, generous and talented people who make the days fly by.

What do you do in your spare time?
I read a lot. I also travel and go to the theatre/watch films whenever possible. Go Phillies!

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